999, 111 and PTS
Our solutions are fully resilient, offering zero downtime upgrades / maintenance, and therefore continuous availability for mission critical applications.

Our CAD Systems Manage Annually, 8 Million Emergency Calls and 1 Million 111 Calls, serving a population of 40 Million and covering over 100,000 square miles.

999 Ambulance
Command & Control
Proven, effective, feature rich intuitive ambulance command and control system; from call handling through triage to dispatch,
C3 TriPath supports you every step of the way.

111 and Integrated Urgent Care
Leveraging our NHS Digital partnership, interoperability and National system interfaces, enhanced care pathway management for patients is now at your fingertips with the feature laden C3 TriPath.

PTS Patient Transport Services
Fully functional non-emergency patient transport system. Whether integrated with an emergency service provision or stand alone, the C3 TriPath patient transport modules are up to the task.
Central Patient Master Record
Our highly integrated Patient Centred systems, leverage interoperability from disparate sources to ensure that the central core of all our systems remains an up to the minute, fully featured and informed, Singular Patient Master Record.

Mission Critical Capable Delivery Models

With a range of delivery models from on-premise, to secure tier 4 data centre based cloud hosting (utilising secure private networks, with a security wrap that adheres to the highest standards), Dedicated operator PC's to zero install web (browser) based clients.
Our solutions are fully resilient, offering zero downtime upgrades / maintenance, and therefore continuous availability for mission critical applications.
... "With sustainability and the resource to back it up, we are relentless in our pursuit of excellence and to perpetually evolve; we are agile, we listen and react rapidly to our customers needs and wants"
... "Having recruited seven well respected ex-Ambulance Service personnel to senior customer facing positions, these individuals alone provide us with more than 158 years of Operational and Ambulance Project experience and really do give us a tangible advantage over our competitors in all our solutions"
... "Clinical Safety is an important and integral element of our development cycle, hence we meet or exceed the important DCB0129 (DCB0160) Clinical Safety Standard across our whole product suite"

As the leading supplier of Ambulance Command and Control Systems in the UK and Ireland, we are proud to work with many of the worlds largest, best performing and innovative Ambulance Services.
Our experience in the industry goes back more than 40 years and with seven ex-Ambulance personnel on staff, we have over 158 years of combined Operational and Ambulance Project experience; as such we fully understand the degree of commitment, ability to react to change and the support that are required to assist the Emergency Services in meeting the challenges presented in this dynamic and constantly evolving sector.
Amongst the many implementations undertaken over those 40+ years, have been five National CADs and a National 111 System, five of which within the UK and Ireland, as well as the busiest English Ambulance Trust outside London.
It is also of significant note that (outside London) it is our CAD systems that have been exposed to most, if not all large, major terrorist incidents in the last quarter century, including Manchester IRA bombing 1996, Manchester Arena bombing 2017, Salisbury Novichok poisonings 2018, in addition to the 2011 M5 multiple vehicle major incident.
During the COVID 19 pandemic 2020-2022, we provided comprehensive support, solid leadership and communication on our status via a Strategic Cell which met weekly for the duration of the crisis. This resulted in more than 100 comprehensive (weekly) reports being supplied to our customer base. In addition, we provided free use of modules/client licenses as well as reacting quickly to the urgent provision of large scale, secure and resilient private cloud hosted CAD training environments, to meet vastly increased staff training requirements as a result of staff cover shortages.
Our dynamic and open approach to development of our products keeps our customers well served in partnership, and us firmly ahead of our competitors, with MIS perpetually re-investing significant sums on R&D.
With over 100,000 square miles geographical coverage (refer to map below); dealing with nearly 8 million emergency calls annually and 1 million 111 calls, from a population of 40 Million, we have an unprecedented track record in working closely with our partners to ensure that the demands inherent in this critical service are fully supported. This hard won trust is a key feature of our business model, and as a prospective client looking for a company to work with you, there can be no better choice.

For any enquiries or questions, please call: +44 (0)845 330 4425 or fill out the following contact form...
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NB existing customer, please do not use this facility for raising Service Desk queries or as a means of contact. Instead please raise via existing standard methods.
Many thanks.
Head office
MIS Emergency Systems
Charnwood House
Gadbrook Business Centre
Tel: +44 (0)845 330 4425